Oh Baby!

Monday, November 26, 2012

We're having a baby! Yippee!
 As of now we are a little over 16 weeks into our latest adventure.  After losing a baby in January, we weren't too anxious to try again.  That experience took a lot out of us.  From trying to conceive to finding out we were pregnant to having to spread the word that we lost the baby was a little too much for us to handle.  This time there was absolutely no pressure on the situation.  We always thought it would be cool to have a baby in April or May so that I would have to miss a minimal amount of work and still have a lot of time off with the little one.  The week before we found out, I was CERTAIN I wasn't pregnant.  I felt terrible and knew it was around the corner.  But it never did.  All day that day I kept thinking to myself "Hmmm...interesting."  When I was driving home from work, I called Ken to let him know I hadn't started.  His response was "Hmmm...that's interesting."  Funny coincidence.  So we took a test and low and behold...we were pregnant!  We knew right away that this time we would not be sharing our news with anyone for a while.  At least until we knew everything was good to go.  It was very hard keeping our little secret for so long, but it was kind of neat too!  Especially that night when we went to dinner with Tom.  We didn't say anything, but we were definitely more chipper than normal.
We scheduled an appointment as quickly as we could and luckily we were able to get in for an ultrasound right around 6 weeks.

Here is our little nugget:
 We held out and didn't tell anyone until around 10 weeks.  At that time we told our parents and closest friends but still didn't make it public.  We had another appointment and ultrasound at about 13 weeks.

Hey Baby!

After that, we felt confident enough to share with the world.

We posted this picture on Facebook:
Then Sophia wore this shirt to school the next day:
She obviously doesn't entirely know what's going on, but she does say there is a baby in Mommy's tummy.  Also, if you ask her if she wants a Baby Sister or Baby Brother, she says "Baby Sister!" every time.  We really don't have a preference for the gender.  Last time I REALLY wanted a girl, but this time I just feel blessed that God gave us another opportunity to be parents.

BUMP-DATE!  16 weeks!
Symptoms:  Weeks 4-13 were EXHAUSTING!  I have never been so tired in my life.  There were days I didn't know if I would make it without a nap.  I was also very queazy during that time.  Never actually getting sick, just nauseous all day.  I could pretty much control it with crackers and water though.
Cravings/Aversions:  Pickles and Ice Cream please!  Not at the same time, but independently I want them all day.  Pickles on everything and ice cream every day.  Specifically Blue Bell Amaretto Cherry and Dutch Chocolate...at the same time.  And please keep any and all WRAPS away from me.  Something about the texture of the wrap and the coldness of the lettuce. Blagh!  Also, I'm not keen on stuffed/breaded seafood.  We're seafood-aholics so this is tricky for me.
Sleep:  Still sleeping well.  The crazy dreams have begun.
Movement:  I think I have felt little kicks from time to time but nothing regular just yet.
Gender:  Not sure yet, another month maybe?
Maternity Clothes:  I had to switch to maternity pants within the last couple of weeks.  Before getting pregnant I had lost about 30 pounds exercising and watching my diet.  My goal is to not lose any more weight, but not gain any until later in my pregnancy either.  So far so good.  My tummy is definitely growing but the scale hasn't moved.
Best moment this week:  Well, this wasn't really this week but the best moment of the pregnancy so far was seeing proof of life.  Nothing better than seeing that tiny flicker of a beating heart on an ultrasound.

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