Bumpdate Weeks 23-35...yeah, I know, I suck.

Friday, April 5, 2013

So, a little has happened since last I updated the pregnancy files.

In January, we had to go to Albuquerque to the Pinon Perinatal Center for a second-level ultra-sound.  Baby girl has one kidney that is a teeny-tiny bit enlarged so they wanted to look at it further (READ: Make a huge deal about it only to tell us that it's probably fine and they will just continue to monitor it throughout the pregnancy)

From here on out, we would have monthly ultrasounds.  Fine by me.  Any chance to see little one from within is always enjoyable.  At around 30 weeks, we finally had the conversation with the doctor about whether or not a VBAC would be possible.  After she considered all of the factors (history of preeclampsia, enlarged kidney, and small fibroid need the incision site) she determined that it would be in my best interest to go ahead with a planned c-section at 39 weeks, but that if I were to go into labor on my own and was progressed pretty far by the time I got to the hospital, we could consider the VBAC.

Shortly after that appointment, things got a little weird.  At my 32 week appointment, my blood pressure was elevated.  Not super high, just elevated from what it had been.  I had to do my favorite thing, which is a 24 hour urine test, and was scheduled for a couple of days later to return for another blood pressure check.  That day my BP was still a little high but not within the range of Preeclampsia (140/90).  However, the talk still began of moving up a c-section to 37 weeks if my blood pressure continued to rise.  And if it didn't, I could still go to 38-39 weeks.  Dr. Johnson asked me if there was any specific day/date/provider that I would prefer.  April 23rd is right at the 38 week mark and so I asked him if it would be possible to do it on that date.  The importance of that date is insurmountable for me.  (Again, I'll explain more of this in a future post) The next week (Thursday) I was scheduled for a high risk ultrasound, NST, and follow up test.  Fortunately my BP was fine, the U/S was fine, the NST was fine, and everything was looking good.  Doctors being doctors, they still scheduled me for the same set of tests the following week, plus an additional NST on Monday.  At that appointment my BP was still fine and so was the NST.  Then came the full gammot of tests that Thursday.  U/S good, NST good, Blood Pressure...not good...142/90.  Crap.  So here we go again.  Twice weekly appointments scheduled for the rest of the month and weekly 24-hour urine tests.  I'm still only considered on the borderline of hypertention, which means they are only calling it elevated blood pressure and not prescribing bed rest.

So, as of today, April 5th, we are between 12 and 17 days of holding our baby girl.  We are completely ready (as far as having all the 'stuff' we need) and very excited to meet our little bundle!

Symptoms:  For weeks 23-30 or so, I just felt great!  Great Great Great!  30-33 I started to slow down a bit.  Started getting tired after lunch.  Major heartburn.  33- Present - I'm huge and uncomfortable!  My belly shape is sooooo much different this time.  She just sticks straight out of me in a huge basketball!  This makes me really uncomfortable.  I also have been tanning REALLY easily!  I don't know if this is legitimate but I've hardly been outside and my skin looks like it does in August.  Definitely not complaining about this one :)
Cravings/Aversions:  I don't really crave anything any more, in fact, I can hardly eat at all.  When I eat I feel like I can't breathe.  Fun stuff.
Sleep: I don't remember what that was like :/  Can't breathe, uncomfortable, bleh. 
Movement: All the time!  Since Sophia was so tiny (and I was bigger myself) I didn't see her moving from outside.  I can see Ellie in the Belly all day.  I love it. Love it love it love it.  I've even taken several cool videos of her moving around.  So cool.
Gender:  Three times confirmed to be a girl.  (Good thing bc she definitely has a girl room)
Maternity Clothes:  Most definitely.  Some shirts are getting to be short bc of the roundness of the belly :)
Best moment this week:  I asked Sophia what she was planning to say to Ellie when she see's her and her response was "Nice to meet you."  Oh how I love that girl.  
Next doctor appointment:  Monday, April 8th and Thursday, April 11th.
Due Date:  Between April 16th and April 24th.

Here are some photos of baby and belly.  I never really did the weekly belly shot thing but you can still see the progression of my basketball.

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