Bumpdate - Weeks 36 and 37!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Full-Term Baby!  Yippee!  We made it!  Not that Sophia was extremely premature, but technically she was.  And during that whole scary time, we just hoping to get to 37 weeks because that's when the risks of underdeveloped lungs substantially drops.  So to know that we got here this time with no (well...relatively no) troubles is GREAT!

At my appointments, my blood pressure has still been fluctuating quite a bit.  It has ranged from about 128/82 - 150/92 (that was a one time occurrence and was very scary!  I thought bedrest for sure!)  Typically though, it was more in the 135/85 area.  This meant we had more flexibility with scheduling the section.

When we first found out I was pregnant and I started to look at the calendar, I noticed a certain date.  April 23rd.  I always knew that a scheduled csection was going to be a likelihood and I knew that my friend April had to schedule her second section for two weeks before her due date.  For us, this would be April 23rd.  At the time I noticed this date, I remember thinking it would be very cool.  That date is my Mom and Dad's anniversary.  I've always had a weird thing with the number 23.  It was always important to me for some reason.  It would pop up everywhere and I used it for a lot of codes and pins etc.  It was also always my Dad's "number" for everything.  His jersey numbers were always 23.  He also used it for everything.  In fact, his email password is sophia23.  After his passing and once things starting getting weird with the pregnancy.  That date took on new meaning for me.  Now I knew what that number was meant for.  That date is supposed to be Ellie's birthday!

It kills me that he is not here right now to share in this time.  Had we had a boy, we had considered naming him Andrew, after my dad.  Having her on this date is, in my eyes, the ultimate way to give a shout out to me dad from Ellie for her entire life.  So each appointment that we got closer to 37 weeks (that's when they will usually do a scheduled section or induction in high risk pregnancies) and the more normal my blood pressure would be, the more hopeful I was that we could hold out to 38 weeks.  I saw several drs during this time.  Each one would talk to me about the section and would ask me if there was  a certain date/day that was important to me.  I  had to explain over and over about the 23rd.  Since that was 38 weeks, a week later than they preferred, they had to mull over it in one of their high-risk meetings.  Finally the results were in and we were  good to go!  The 23rd it is!  That's tomorrow!  AHHHHH!!!

Scheduling the birth of your child is super strange.  I have been more or less ready for her to come for weeks but to actually make "plans" for the whole thing is very weird.  My mom came down today (Monday the 22nd) and will stay the week.  She and Camille will rotate Sophia duty.  My bags are packed and I'm ready to go.  I also got to plan out my last day of work.  I still had all of my appointments each week which meant I only had been working half-days on Mondays and taking Thursdays off.  So I decided that my last day would be Tuesday, April 16th  This gave me one day to chill with Soph, one day for my birthday, and two days of appointments before the birth.  Honestly, I've been mentally checked out for weeks just looking forward to everything we have going on.

We also were able to plan out a special last weekend as a party of three.  Friday the 19th was my birthday.  Ken got me a pedicure, I went to lunch with Camille and Sophia, then Soph and I went out to ice cream.  Ken and I had plans to really celebrate and have one last date night for a while on Saturday, so Friday night, we just went to Dion's for dinner.  I absolutely love doing a family dinner night on Fridays at Dion's.  I don't know why, but it just seems so down to earth to me :)  Saturday we played outside with Sophia, then went to Katana (teppanyaki) for dinner with Tom.  Afterwards we went to local restaurant with a patio and listened to live music.  And Sunday, we just hung out with Sophia all day.  We ended the day with her favorite movie, Wreck-it Ralph, and ice cream.  It was such a fun weekend!

Strangely, I've been feeling a lot of increased action inside there lately.  I've had Braxton-Hicks since I was about 16 weeks, but they've been getting more intense lately.  They've been measuring pretty good on the NST strips too.  Starting Sunday, I noticed my contractions getting even more intense and more regular.  Especially when I was sitting or laying down.  I downloaded a contraction timer and for the past 36 hours or so, the contractions have been coming every 8 minutes of less.  Looks like baby girl is ready to come with or without the section!

As I look forward to tomorrow, I just have to reflect on my pregnancy as a whole.  I have had soooo much fun being pregnant!  It is truly a miracle to be able to carry your baby.  I will miss feeling her from inside so much, but look so forward to seeing her sweet little face.  Today Sophia told me that she thinks Ellie will tell her "Hello, Sophia!" then honk her nose.  I doubt it will happen like that, but I can't wait to see Sophia's reaction.  I just have to say that this baby has truly saved my life in the last three months.  I can't even express how much her existence has helped me get through this time.  Thank you Ellie!  Thank you for all that you have done for me.  We'll see you tomorrow!

Symptoms:  I'm breathing easier.  "Lightening" apparently.  I've been having strong but not too painful contractions.  I've been sooooo emotional!
Cravings/Aversions:  I haven't been too hungry at all.  Not grossed out or anything, just not hungry.
Sleep: A million pillows.  Searching desperately to find a comfortable position, while headed to the potty every 12 seconds.
Movement: Tons of big rolling movements.  I can tell she's running out of room!
Gender:  Three times confirmed to be a girl.  (Good thing bc she definitely has a girl room)
Maternity Clothes:  Most definitely.  Some shirts are getting to be short bc of the roundness of the belly :)
Best moment this week:  Realizing that I was having contractions and that early labor was beginning.  She's ready!
Next doctor appointment:  Does a scheduled C-Section count?
Due Date:  April 23rd...that's tomorrow y'all!

37 Weeks!  Full Term!
 Date Night for Mommy and Daddy!
And a little playtime with my first baby.

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